Hi everyone, I’m Matteus (or Matt). I’m the incoming MSA President for 2024. This is my first year at MBH, and I’m looking forward to making it a memorable one with all of you. I have an interest in Cardiology, and I can be found asleep, or at the gym when I'm not doing medicine. Do say hi if you see me around!
Hello there, Rachel here! As your incoming MSA secretary, I am highly dedicated to hiding behind screens while typing away. As for my career, my passion is still in the midst of finding its way to a lovely specialty so we shall see where the tides of medicine eventually take me. Jokes aside, I am always happy to make new friends and as someone who tends to feed people a lot, brace yourselves for random bites of colourful flavours from weird kitchen experiments!
Hey all! I'm Marcus your incoming MSA Treasurer for 2024. I am starting fresh at MBH as an intern this year, with hopes of a fulfilling career in surgery in the future (and yes, I am delaying my doom by ignoring all the warning signs of sleep deprivation). Hope to see you all soon at our future events!
Hey everyone!! I’m Chie, and I’ll be your incoming Sponsorship Officer for 2024. I’m one of the interns and I’ve just moved to Mackay. I’m interested in critical care, particularly anaesthetics but I’m not a gunner… yet. I may look quiet at first but once you get to know me, I won’t stop talking. If you see me, come say hi; I probably won’t approach you first cuz I’m shy.
Hi everyone! My name is Tusyita (I’ll forgive you if you mispronounce it ☺️). I’m an intern at MBH and new to Mackay! I have a keen interest in mental health and am looking forward to being your Academic Chair this term. The irony of loving mental health and academics isn’t lost on me. I love writing, reading, lifting and anything beach-related. Looking forward to our events and seeing you there!
Hello, my name is Avery and I will be your sports chair this year! I have just moved from Brisbane and am one of the new interns at MBH. I enjoy almost all sports and am very keen to share this passion with all of you! I appreciate how sport can be a great way to meet people and build a sense of community and comradery. I am open to suggestions and I hope to see you at our events!
I couldn’t relinquish my power, so I hope you look forward to spending another year with me having control over your MSA Facebook content. I will continue to run the regular Senior Staff Spotlights, and of course, Fun Fit Fridays.
For those who do not yet know me, I am forever changing my desired career path, but this week, I think I will be an Emergency Physician (last week it was an Anaesthetist, the week before, an Intensivist). I am usually happy, so if you see me around, please say hi!
Hi there! I’m Paige, one of your friendly pharmacists. This is my second year at MBH and my first year stepping into a role with MSA as pharmacy rep. If I’m not chasing up interventions, I’m probably chasing up a new script. When you see me around the wards, please say hi! (I’m probably going to ask where your outfit is from because I have a passion for buying new work clothes when I really don’t need to).
Hi everyone! I am the Nursing Rep and have been with MSA for over a year now, and Queensland Health for a total of 7 years. I help with promoting social events and encouraging health professionals to attend them.
Hi my name is Chulaksha and I’m a 6th Year Medical Student at JCU. This is my 2nd year at MBH and I have really enjoyed my time here. The staff are all absolutely wonderful and I decided to be the student rep to help encourage more student involvement. I look forward to the upcoming year and I’m keen to get to know the rest of the staff at the hospital.